Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


about company

The "Ariston Odyssey"

Embarking on our journey over two decades ago, The Ariston Insurance emerged from a profound understanding of two distinct realms: the world of flavors, aromas, experiences inherent to restaurants, the intricate universe of protection that insurance offers. Our inception was not just about starting another insurance agency; it was about building a bridge between these two worlds.

Trusted Clients
Years of Experience

Our Ethos

Our ethos lies in our name itself – ‘Ariston,’ derived from the Greek word for ‘the best’. And it’s this pursuit of excellence that fuels every policy we draft, every client we serve, and every challenge we overcome.”

Vision and Mission

Core Values

Personalized Approach

We believe every restaurant has its distinct narrative. We listen, understand, and then craft policies that resonate with these unique tales.
Unwavering Integrity: Our commitment goes beyond clauses and premiums. We stand by our word, ensuring every promise made is a promise kept.
Continuous Learning: The dynamic world of restaurants and the ever-evolving insurance landscape demand constant learning. We’re committed to staying updated, so we always offer the best.

Personal Line
Business Lines

What People Say About Us

our team

The Ariston Pillars

The foundation of Ariston’s success is its team. A diverse group of passionate individuals, each member brings their own expertise and flair to the table. With backgrounds spanning both the restaurant and insurance industries, we are a blend of experience and innovation.

Sylvia Totonis
Titos Ritsatos
Stathy Karambinas
Philip Filippopoulos